Photographs, Jewellery, Food and Life by Son Memelink

22 February 2011

Birthday Boy at restaurant Stork

Two weeks ago we celebrated Eric's birthday by trying out a new restaurant 'Stork'.
You'd think the name might refer to a large bird and babies, but no! The restaurant got it's name from the company which owned the huge factory building in which the rest. is now situated. They used to manufacture large machinery there and the designers of the restaurant decided to leave many parts of the old factory intact. This has made for an interesting and quite exciting interior.
It is located right on the river bank and one can watch boats of all sizes sail by, up close, while enjoying a good meal. A large terrace should make it a fantastic place to visit in the summer.
It is supposed to be the largest Fish restaurant in Europe and so we took the opportunity to dress for the occasion and sample their food, which both of us thought was very good. The service was still slightly disorganised but very friendly. Personally I wouldn't mind if they replaced the plastic chairs with something more comfortable and chique.
For information (Dutch only) + pictures click here.
the bar in the centre of the hall
We had to wait a while before we could toast to Eric's birthday but it was worth the wait.

Scallops+Prosecco Jelly
As starter....

Super Skate wing+pumpkin

Best Fish and Chips ever!

14 February 2011

Photograph of the month/ "V-day"

Because I like taking photographs and have been sharing my pictures with other enthusiasts on a separate blog, I have decided to add this subject to my list (best enjoyed by clicking on picture to enlarge).
Tulip leaves have a mind of their own
Happy V-day

11 February 2011

Sign of the times.

After having finished downloading all my old cd's and putting them on my i-phone, I was ready to listen to my modern 'sound-system', but where to put it?
Eric found a nice spot for it and placed it on top of the radio which we 'Memelinks' have had in the family, for as long as I can remember (and it still works!).

Both represent very different times. Both good though.

05 February 2011

Now that's what I call a Blog.

I have just added another blog to my tiny list of links. It belongs to a, very creative, distant relative and is often incredibly funny.
It's shown me how good and interesting a blog can be. day.....I'll reach that level...(sigh).

If you're up for a dose of British humour, sometimes with a serious message (Home alone, under 'New') and sometimes downright weird, click on 'Wagg World' under the heading 'links' on my home page or click here.

02 February 2011


Ooohhhh the joys of creativity.

After asking for people's (mainly Eric's wonderful running-partners) opinion/input on different versions of the name for my 'enterprise' it is now time for the next step.
Designers of websites and environmentally-friendly printers of business card, with compliments card and 'receipt-books' (very important) have been approached.
After some necessary bartering, I'm hoping to give both the go-ahead, this week.
The accountant had already been forewarned that I might set up business this year, so he shouldn't be too horrified.
The Chamber of Commerce will be notified some time and the tax people will be overjoyed.
I have approached a few shops, to see if they would be interested in selling this 'easy on the eye/traditional' line of my  jewellery, with one positive result. We'll wait for the end result, when push comes to shove, though.
In the mean time, while I'm waiting for the whole caboodle to come together, I'm making little cards etc. to display the jewellery on. Hopefully it won't be too long before I'll be able to show you all the end result.