Photographs, Jewellery, Food and Life by Son Memelink

13 December 2011

Different Dinners

These are busy times for most people and I have to say that the last few weekends have been fully booked.
The Sunday before last, we had my parents and sister (from England) over for dinner. It was lovely to have them here.
Joking with my sis Marlies.

On top of that, the neighbours had asked me to act as 'Zwarte Piet" (Sinterklaas' helpers). This meant I had to sneak into their home, while the innocent little children were singing. Then scare the living daylights out of them by suddenly throwing candy, full force, across the floor, after which I would have to run away and slammmmmm the door behind me (having left a sack, filled with presents, at the front door).....Mission accomplished with help from Eric!
In disguise with candy + sack
Last Sunday we had our 2nd mini-reunion with our boarding school friends,  this time with partners.
Christien and Jan-Gerrit had invited us to their home in Epe and it was an extremely successful evening. They had cooked a beautiful 3 course dinner for us, with some 'silky' wine and grappa from Italy.
A great time with great friends.

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