collection of old pictures and documents |
There I was, having a quiet afternoon with a few others at my mothers' when, out of the blue, she said something about having a party for her 80th birthday.
Suddenly, a tangible increase of awareness filled the room. Heads looked up and eyes darted, nervously, from one person to an other.
What?.....what was that?....did?....did mum just mention the oh!
When mum says party...she means... PARTAYYYYYY.
As soon as I got home, I called my sister in England: Hey, mum says she wants a party... (silence) ... Hello? ... Did she say Party or was it more like..drinks and nibbles? ... Nope, she said Party ... Okayyyyyy (spoken by someone who's little grey cells have just gone into overdrive), Uh oh! ... I know! .... Right, a plan of action is needed! I'll jot some things down and will get back to you. ... Great I already have an idea regarding presents and will also get back to you.
That's how it started.
In the end our 'Mum of Mums' (with help from Dick) managed to organise two parties. One, a sit down dinner for 50+ people at our favourite restaurant Flamingo Paradise and one for 27 'neighbours' at her apartment (with catering).
Both were a great success. The first was like a reunion of many old 'Shell friends' and also some relatives. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. "Best party in a long time", I was told by many.
Birthday Girl being sung to |
sharing crazy times/praising mum |
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