Above, a game thought up by some children. A painting of our Queen with the words 'This will be hard to swallow, your Majesty...' For 50 ct. one had three chances of throwing a ball into Beatrixs' mouth.
This is my second Queen's Day in Amsterdam. We spent the morning walking through the 'Free Trade-Market Vondelpark" and in the afternoon, we joined our friends on their boat for a CRAZY trip through the canals. It was good to see that most people were wearing something orange (Royal House of Orange) and many had gone through great effort to get noticed in the crowds.
The Dutch are known as 'trades(wo)men'. Tell a Dutchie how good he/she looks in a particular piece of clothing and he/she will not reply by saying: "thank you" instead, you'll hear a somewhat proud: "I 'got' it for
only ... Euros". On Queen's Day, you'll find tens of thousands of people selling old or weird stuff, all along the streets of Amsterdam. The life of wheelin' and dealin' is taught to our children from the day they are born and, on Q.day, the whole of the Vondelpark is especially reserved for them so they can practice their skills.
The place is packed with children who've all thought of thousands of different ways of convincing or emotionally blackmailing grown ups into parting with their money (this too, is taught by their parents).
How to draw...... |
Bric a brac for sale. |
Tear jerker |
Playing Dutch Anthem |
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