More friends came and we all watched the game outside, together with a whole lot of people who were at the pub on the street corner and another lot on a 'canal boat' on the Amstel (canal), in front of the home.
Barbecues were 'smokin', televisions were blaring, people were roaring and ooooooh-ing and Vuvuzela's were...vuvuzela-ing?
We had a great time and as I was watching the game I realised how much I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in this city (of (somewhat) ill repute)). Holland won and a mighty roar went up.
Then, on friday the 2nd of July, Eric and I watched Holland play against Brazil outside a pub.
It was a nerve wrecking time. The pub and street were full with people watching the match on different screens.
There was a constant, LOUD flow of advice coming from the mouths of 'experts' (including me, I'm afraid), telling the football players what they were supposed to do.
Holland won again! The first thing I heard was a, very loud, Dutch man screaming... A CASA! at the tv.
The noise level was overwhelming and people were jumping up and down and going crazy.
I was happy for Holland but so sad for Brazil, and I truly hope that nobody will be yelling...a us when Holland plays again on Tuesday.
We downed our 'celebration Corona' and decided we were 'brave' enough to risk going to a square called 'het Leidse Plein' right in the centre of Amsterdam.
The place was like an orange colored, Mega-anthill.
Traffic was brought to a halt. People were chanting. Drums were beating.
Party Time in Amsterdam!
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