On the 4th of July, by invitation of Sjors and Lillian, we went to see a Dutch rock star Anouk in concert (English lyrics). The stage was set up outside the 'Gasfabriek' in a park called the Westerpark.
We decided to walk and meet up with Sjors and Lillian there.
I realised how popular this lady was, as the crowds were multiplying and growing more dense the nearer we got to our destination. We were able to find each other quickly and found a strategic spot for ourselves.
There was an American tribute band which I really liked called Q4, which played a mix of jazz, fado and rap. Interesting and refreshing, though the others didn't think so.
Then Anouk came on. A true, larger than life, Rock-Chick! And that voice. Wow!
Her behaviour at the start was a little non-committal but later, she 'let rip'.
I was glad to find out that I knew some of her songs and could (try) to sing along. There were many 'stars' singing in the crowd (some, actually, very good). They knew the lyrics and put some real feeling into it.
All four of us really enjoyed the concert so, thank you Sjors and Lillian for arranging the tickets and inviting us.
Rests us to buy the cd.

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